Thank you for all you and your staff are doing.
We support any and all measures you must take to keep the residents and your staff safe, and we are willing to comply with any and all restrictions you deem necessary.
Thank you! Alex Szele

I know I have said this before … A day does not go by that I don’t think about mom and all of you at Golden Links. You all must be exhausted and discouraged with the number of cases in Winnipeg now. WE are so grateful that mom is at Golden Links and we know that not only is she well cared for, that she is treated with much kindness and concern.
Thank you for everything you all do. Heather

Just a quick note to thank you for the update and to thank you and your staff for doing an absolutely wonderful job looking after our loved ones during such a tumultuous time! Your efforts are sincerely appreciated.
I visited my Mother today and she is doing very well. She again commented on how caring and compassionate the staff are towards her. I sincerely hope we can continue visiting her however if the PCH’s go into total lockdown I will be content knowing that she is being well looked after.
Again thank you from the bottom of my heart – and please keep up the great work that you and your staff are doing!
Sincerely, Corrine Scott

I know you may receive some backlash on this but I thank you for putting our loved ones first. The easy thing would be to let the government decide but again you have led the field in being proactive. Thank you from this grateful daughter. Cindy Landles

Where do I begin?
It occurred to me today that it has been almost 5 months since Mom passed. I immediately felt regret that I did not send you this letter earlier.
I think the reason for the delay was simply because I had not had my closure yet (funeral) and was still in the early stages of grieving. Losing one’s mom is difficult…losing your last surviving parent, even more so.
I am so very grateful for Golden Links and all the people that work to keep it running smoothly…staff who show up to their every shift and put their heart and soul into caring for those in their care. Those on the front lines (Nurses and HCA’s) and those who work equally as hard and with as much dedication but aren’t always so visible….Food Services people, Housekeeping, Laundry, OT/Rehab, Recreation, Hairdressing, Maintenance
I value the connections that I had with all the
reassurances that you gave me, ”that I was doing my best” kept me going as well as the hugs. You not only cared for
When the time arrived, having Mom’s Celebration of Life at the lodge seemed so logical; it was Mom’s home for the past 4 years, her GLL family all gather there, all the love and support from the residents who visited with Mom could be in attendance as well as their respective family members, the ease for the staff in attending. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this possible. I know that I hounded the office and recreation team more often than I should have…”just to solidify the plans ONE MORE TIME…©.” I know it tied up the Recreation Room for a few clays, and that Recreation had to do a jig and relocate their activities to accommodate me. I know that the arrival of tables and linens took up Maintenance’s time… and gave them an extra job… both in the setup and take down. I know that the kitchen was busy trying to clean up after lunch and prepare for dinner hour for the residents…and that preparing the coffee/tea/punch put ”one more thing” on their plate, and then the unexpected task of helping to plate some vegan food because I panicked over that issue…then of course there was the resulting dirty dishes. To be told it was GLL’s gift when I asked about the bill for all this extra work ….. oh my…l cried…but in a good way.
Lastly, I want to thank the lodge for the beautiful tribute you had commissioned to honour Mom…”Fawcett‘s Bistro.” I think Mom would have been thrilled to see the sign up there; a special thank you for getting the artist back to put the little vase on the Bistro’s table. This was totally unexpected and of course again is indicative of the love you have shown our family.
I know that I will be back to visit the lodge. There are too many faces I need to see, residents to hug…and laughter to hear and share. I also know that here are those who will one day need MY support and who were there for me in my time of need. Again, from the bottom of my heart…Thank you.
With Love,
and the Fawcett Family.

THANK YOU ! “The phrase is simple and the words are few but behind them lies a world of appreciation. “Unknown. @.

“I was made very aware of how special the staff is. Everyone – the nurses, the aides, the cleaners and laundry workers, the maintenance men! All day long I heard cheery voices engaging the residents in the hallways, greeting them by name. I saw smiles and respect and particularly patience. I kept thinking “they are all angels”. I know that your employees are well trained, but I also think that it is in their nature to treat the residents as they do – and that GLL is very fortunate to have them. The nurses and aides that tended to my mom during her last days were very kind and respectful of her and comforting to me and my family. I have nothing but praise for them. I thanked everyone as we went along, but I just wanted you to know my thoughts about your wonderful employees and hope that somehow you can pass on the praise to them.”
“We wish to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to everyone at Golden Links Lodge including Members of the Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Personal Care Homes, Dr. Salem, Gina Trinidad, Chief Health Operations Officer, and each person who has cared for Norma in the past and recently. Every person including nurses, health care aides, kitchen staff, housekeeping staff, office and management, maintenance staff, physio, recreation staff, and volunteers and companions including residents and their families at Golden Links Lodge have made this journey in our lives rewarding, knowing that your kindness, each smile, hug or laugh carried us through Norma’s long hard battle. To my Golden Links Friends , adopted (Sons, Daughters, Cousins , Uncles , and extended Family) ; your sharing of laughter ,tears, jokes, personal discussions and empathy over the past 5 1/2 years has meant so much to me and will never be forgotten. I respect each and every one, for the contributions that you make on a daily basis and wish you all the best now and in the future and am proud to know you and so fortunate to have met you. Gina & Marcy-Lynn – Your personal commitment, dedication and efforts to provide the best comfort and care for our loved ones at Golden Links is very much appreciated. The Golden Links Lodge Organization , the residents and their families and WRHA System in Winnipeg are extremely fortunate to have the contributions of each member of the Golden Links Staff. This amazing Team are the most caring dedicated professional individuals that I have experienced in my life and hope in some way they can be recognized in the future. Thanks For Taking Care of the Love of my Life “Norma” she deserved the Best and each and every one of you made sure that it happened.” – Gerry Evans
Amazing Work!
“Thanks to all the staff for caring for the elderly and I am glad my Mom was accepted to make this her home. I appreciate everything the staff does to help her.”

“Thanks to your staff for doing an awesome job!! Our family knows that our Aunt is being well cared for and that just makes us all really really happy and grateful!!”

“Marcy-Lynn… thank you to any and all who were involved in mom’s day yesterday. It is so great that you think of her re: outings – she has always been receptive to trying/doing new things and I hazard a guess, this “stable visit and tea”was a new one! Her getting out of the 4 walls there (as good as they are) is wonderful! And so thoughtful to take – and promptly email -photos.!! Great to see mom “in action!”

“‘Thank you to you and your team for being a home-away-from-home for my Mom”

“Your staff are amazing, I am so thankful that my mom lives at Golden Links Lodge with so many caring people.”

“Just a quick note to tell you that I think you guys do a great job with all aspects of care and facilities for the residents at GLL. There is little that I could complain about, and certainly nothing worth mentioning. Any issues that I have had in the past, I have presented to you or any of the staff, and have always been handled in a caring and professional way to the satisfaction of both parties. Coming from a background with the Government I can appreciate budgets, rules and restrictions that are placed upon your organization. I appreciate all of your efforts and hope you can anonymously pass along my message of appreciation to all of your staff. Keep up the great work. You guys do not get enough credit for the efforts you put forward for our families, working in what I consider to be a very difficult environment.”
