Golden Links Lodge has donation program for families and friends who wish remember their loved ones by providing a donation.
Golden Links Lodge will acknowledge any gifts made “in memory” of an individual. The family will be provided with the names and addresses of those who have made a contribution. We respect the rights of every individual or group to privacy; if you would like for your gift to remain anonymous, please let us know and your name(s) will not be included in the acknowledgement.
With your or the family’s permission, your loved ones name may be listed in the Golden Links Lodge newsletter.
Our Donor Plaque includes an “In Memoriam” section where love ones’ name can be permanently displayed, when cumulative memoriam donations from family and friends reach $500.00 or greater.
The Donor Recognition Program commenced on January 1, 2002, to offer a way to honour people who have touched your life, to show the community our support of Golden Links or to cherish the memory of a loved one. Placing your name or your loved one’s name on the Donor Plaque is a wonderful tribute that lasts forever.
You can show your support to Golden Links Lodge by a one-time gift, an annual donation of consideration of Estate or Planned Giving through a bequest.
As your contributions grow over time, your name or the name of your loved one will be placed under the appropriate donor recognition area. Listed below are the areas of the Donor Plaque you may wish to display your family name or person(s) with whom you wish to honour or remember.
- Sponsor $7,000.00 +
- Associate $3,000.00 – $6,999.00
- Supporter $500.00 – $2,999.00
- In Memoriam $500.00 +
“Donations are gratefully accepted to support programs or other initiatives that enhance the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical well-being of the Residents of Golden Links Lodge.”
“Donations strengthen Golden Links Lodge’s ability to provide care of the highest quality to our Residents.”
“You may direct a donation to special projects, Resident programs such as entertainment, or to an initiative of your choosing that is in keeping with the goals of Golden Links Lodge.”
Dedicated to Care, Mindful Dignity, Embracing Life
How can you help to sustain our commitment to quality care and services?
- Cash Donations
- Securities & Bonds
- Investment Certificates
- Bequest by Will
- Gift Annuities
- Memorial Offerings

Outdoor Rubber Surfacing Pergola Area – $80,000.00
Golden Links Lodge is fortunate to have a beautiful fenced in backyard with a wonderful pergola area that residents can often be found sitting in. To ensure that our residents are safe from unexpected falls, the Rubber Surfacing will provide cushioning should a fall occur. This past summer a resident did have a fall and the outcome was not favorable. We don’t want this to happen again. We know that if we have a better cushion under the resident should they lose their footing we can significantly reduce the injury with this type of surface. This surfacing would also include a widening of the paths as most residents have walkers and/or wheel chairs.
Furniture – $50,000.00
Our Facility is in need of appropriate, safe, furniture that meets infection control standards. Currently residents are utilizing furniture purchased nearly thirty (30) years ago. It is our intention to replace all furniture within the next five (5) years.
Elevator – $250,000.00
Currently Golden Links Lodge operates with one elevator. This has to be extremely challenging. Our main and only dining hall is located on the main floor. Nearly 80% of our residents have walkers and wheelchairs to move about. We serve three (3) meals a day, seven (7) days a week, three- hundred and sixty-five (365) days a year. We have forty-four (44) residents on the 2nd floor that come up and down each time for meals. This poses massive wait times for all residents as it ties up Health Care Aides and all staff porting residents up and down. When GLL was built the initial demographic of residents were primarily folks that were independent, able bodied. The demographic with our aging population has changed significantly throughout the years leaving many immobile and/or with very limited mobility requiring wheelchairs and walkers. The mobility aides limit the amount of the residents on the elevator at one time.
Sensory Stimulation Activity Equipment – $30,000.00
This equipment is an integral part of the Dementiability Program for our facility. The activity based equipment will assist our therapy services and recreation services with meaningful stimulation providing auditory and tactile activities. The lives of our residents can be enriched with this equipment.
Call Bell System – $35,000.00
The current Resident Call Bell System is a thirty-five (35) years old. We are no longer able to purchase replacement parts for this system. We have received pricing from three independent companies. This is a system that our facility cannot operate without. Our residents and care providers depend on it.
LED Lighting Upgrade Exterior/Interior – $40,000.00
Golden Links Lodge currently operates with lighting that is original to our building. This lighting is very expensive to maintain. With the support of Manitoba Hydro and donations our lighting upgrade will save GLL thousands of dollars each year.