1. The Volunteer Program shall have the approval and support from administration:
- There are written policies and procedures concerning volunteer involvement
- All paid staff are informed about the philosophy and scope of the volunteer program. Staff are aware of their responsibilities to volunteers and their cooperation has been secured.
- Overall responsibility for planning has been assigned to one staff position.
2. Volunteer positions shall have written job descriptions:
- Each volunteer has a written position description that includes duties and responsibilities, skills needed, time required.
- Position descriptions are regularly reviewed, updated and revised as needed.
- Each volunteer is provided with a copy of his/her job description.
3. Volunteers shall serve in positions which reflect their skills, abilities, interests and needs as well as the needs of the organization:
- Volunteers are recruited from a broad range of backgrounds and experience.
- Each prospective volunteer is interviewed, at which time the volunteer’s needs, skills, position preferences, plus Golden Links Lodge’s needs and available positions are explored.
- Criteria for screening volunteers have been developed.
- Golden Links Lodge can create, in response to the unique needs of the volunteer, new positions that will benefit both the volunteer and Golden Links Lodge.
- Provisions are made for volunteer mobility (i.e. changing positions or increasing responsibility.
4. Orientation to Golden Links Lodge and its volunteer program and policies shall be given to the volunteer before beginning work:
- Orientation is provided and required before an assignment is begun.
- Each new volunteer is provided with a written orientation manual, which contains personnel policies.
5. Training shall be provided to prepare volunteer and staff to work cooperatively:
- Training is provided and coordinated with supervisory staff.
- Training includes introducing the volunteer to specific procedures and functions of Golden Links Lodge, specific responsibilities.
- The volunteer has been instructed about confidentiality, limits of authority and extent of responsibility.
- Golden Links Lodge provides educational opportunities to volunteers.
6. Volunteers shall be supervised in accordance with sound supervision practices within the policies and guidelines of Golden links Lodge:
- The volunteer is introduced to the supervisor at the time of placement.
- The volunteer receives clear explanation of lines of communication between paid staff and volunteers.
- There is a system in place for regular contact between volunteers and supervisors where feedback is solicited..
7. Records of individual volunteer service and program operations shall be maintained:
- A confidential file is maintained on each active volunteer.
- Each volunteer is responsible to sign volunteer time sheets and maintain records of work performed.
- The coordinator of volunteer services submits regular reports on the volunteer program to the administrator.
8. Recognition of volunteer service shall be ongoing and shall be expressed through formal and/or informal means:
- Informal recognition is provided by staff supervisors and the coordinator of volunteer services.
- Formal recognition is based on hours of documented service.
- Staff who work successfully with volunteers receive recognition or acknowledgment for their contribution.
9. There shall be periodic evaluation of the volunteer program performance with respect to the attainment of goals and objectives:
- At least yearly a volunteer satisfaction survey is implemented.
- Regular review of the volunteer program is ongoing.